Monday, June 11, 2012

Birth Announcement

Cuddle Up Pink Birth Announcement
Find hundreds of cute baby birth announcements at
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Last 2 baby shower game questions

I forgot to post the last two shower game questions on here. If you aren't following the shower games on Facebook here are the last two questions. Answer will be accepted until she is born but don't wait too long she is running out of room!

Game question one...
What time do you think she will be born? Please put am or pm in your answer... Winner will be chosen from closest time.
Prize will come from the beautiful Rocky Mountains!!
Game question two...
How much do you think she will weigh at birth? Winner chosen from closest guess. Another prize from the Rockies!!!
 Please email or post your answer in the comments section. 


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Baby G's Room update...

It's not complete but sure is close. Still working on her dressing table and have some shelves and pictures to hang. We love the feel of her room, it's very calming and comfortable, I'm trying to figure out how I could fit a day bed in there so we don't wake Papa Bear when he's sleeping...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's amazing what a caring doctor can do!

I'm feeling super great this morning, better than I have in my WHOLE pregnancy! Turns out all I needed was some different oral meds and some insulin. They told me to expect a significant change in a week but I never expected to feel this good within a day. To keep you all up to speed there have been some new developments in my world of doctors. Turns out my previous team of doctors was feeling really uncomfortable with my care and trying to manage diabetes so they referred me to a Dr. Barbour at the University of Colorado. I have to admit, I was pissed about it, really pissed. It felt like they just threw me to the wolves and left me for dead 5 weeks away from my due date! But after meeting Dr. Barbour and her team I can see that this was a great choice for me other than the distance I will have to travel. Her team and expertise is undeniably what this mom needs. They took time to really explain how my diabetes affects the baby and what we can do pro actively to curb complications now. They were so sympathetic to my feelings of yuckiness and stress levels and made it very clear they want to take care of me and the lil one and they have the staff and state of the art accessories to do it! So I haven't completely turned it over but after today I have to say that if in one day I can feel this much better I can only imagine how well they will make sure I have a wonderful birth experience and Baby G is one healthy happy baby.

On a personal note, my stress levels have been through the roof. Even though we are going through a lot of life changes, none of these stressful feelings were warranted considering the wonderful man I have, support from friends and family, and the wonderful feelings of carrying life inside me. I should not be feeling this way!!! It became obvious from my discussions with the team yesterday that all of this is being caused by hormones shifts and erratic blood sugars. Last night I felt a difference in my stress level after my first injection. Within an hour I noticed my mind calmed and my body felt relaxed for once, I slept soundly and woke up hungry which is great. My fasting number was down to 88, from the 110's the day before and I just feel great! I am grateful for Dr. Barbour and her team and look forward to building a relationship with her team at the university.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

wise words come from unknown places...

Today was another stress test and I met with Dr. Shiamoko. Anxiety is abound at this stage in pregnancy. I have shared my fears with the doctor in regards to labor and delivery and just birth in general. She is very understanding and listens so well. She reassured me that everything will be fine and it's normal to be scared and if I wasn't she would be concerned then. She also reminded me to not let anyone steal our joy at this time in our life and that true good people would understand we are in a nesting stage and in need of each others time together more now than ever and stress is not needed in our lives as we are preparing for the most important gift anyone could be given.  After all, we won't have this time together soon, we will have a little girl to take care of and she will come first above everything else. This all reminded me of a conversation I had several weeks ago with a man at the salvation army. He said "You will never really know life until you have a child". He's right, as the day comes nearer that she will arrive my feelings on life have taken new perspectives. I can only imagine how much more I will know watching her grow. Small things will no longer seem small, patience will no longer be a word,  and going to the bathroom alone will be rare. It is at this time in my life that I realize God takes off the goggles for you, he prepares you for the hard road of labor ahead. There really is no fear in birth, it's only the unknown that makes us uneasy and uncomfortable. But, like the kind man said "you really never know life until you have a child" the unknowing of labor is just another phase in this journey we call life.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Baby Girl is growing!!!

Had my growth scan today and baby g is growing good. Looks like she has decided to play catch up and is now sitting in the 50th percentile for growth! She now weighs over 4 pounds and they are happy with her growth right now. On other fronts, I am now having to do stress tests twice weekly on the fetal monitor and this seems to be normal in high risk pregnancy's. Have to do another kidney protein test (the dreaded jugs of pee) and my iron level was a little low so I have to compensate with a supplement. The doc seems to think stress is creating an elevated blood pressure and she wants me to take it a little easy and kick out all distractions right now so the baby will continue to grow at a normal rate. Amniotic fluid is back to normal and my fluid intake is getting better. I have been having severe round ligament pain for weeks and can hardly walk sometimes and doc recommended a belly band. I picked one up today and THANK GOD!!! If you are prego, buy one, it will help you soooo much. I can't believe how much of a difference it has made and it helped get her to finally move off of my ligaments. She is still wedged in my pelvis and face forward and looks snug as a bug, she must have been sleepy cause we saw her rub her eyes on the ultrasound. Got a better look at her profile and she is a doll! Definitely taking the beauty genes from the both of us! Laundered all her clothes and sheets today and hoping to finish up the nursery by the end of the week in between my school work and house duties. Glad Papa Bear's boss let him join me for the ultrasound today I can tell he enjoys seeing her move around in there.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pregnancy Dreams

One of the coolest things that happens while your prego is the dream world you find yourself in during sleep. My dreams are more vivid, emotional, and full of weird imagery. I dream of taking the baby out of my body and I play with her and love and snuggle her. It's such an awesome feeling, she is still connected by her cord so I know she is okay (awww, dream land) then I realize I have to get her back in there and I start panicking thinking of how I'm going to do this. Sis chimes in that I should just shove her back up there and it's okay she did that all the time with her first born, Dad is building a bench to give me more leverage, Mom is saying we should just stretch open my belly button and put her in there and I'm more or less freaking out. Papa Bear tells me I need to be more patient and quit trying to take her out and look at the mess I'm making and trouble we are putting her through! Its all quite a riot. So if you are prego and having these types of dreams just know that it seems to be normal to take your baby out during sleep and hold them. Perhaps this is some esoteric bonding we have all lost touch with as we evolved into modern beings.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

So busy I've got a cold!!!

I had meant to update this blog every day but I get behind sometimes due to my law classes I am taking. So far I have a 4.0 going and hope to keep that up so I can apply for some serious grants and scholarships and get some of this schooling paid for! Right now I'm studying hard for  my constitutional law mid terms and I have learned quite a bit which has also made me look at things differently in this country and what is really going on. I have to say I believe whole heatedly that the child I carry will inherit this rebel in my heart and help wake people up to the crazy world we live in and the belief that we are still entitled to our constitutional rights! Okay rant off!!! I want to THANK Grandma Rita for the awesome box we received full of much needed items for baby girl and the super cute clothes for her! I would submit a picture but I am waiting because the nursery is a little chaotic with the painting and crib assembly etc, so as soon as all that is done we will send you a pic! I also want to thank my Aunt Patti and Uncle Jerry for the swing to rock baby in! I have a feeling that gift will be a lifesaver! Also, congrats to Uncle Jerry for winning the honor of Easter Parade Grand Marshall!! That is totally exciting and you worked hard for it so enjoy! I will miss everyone at Patti's annual Easter feast and hope you will all think of me in spirit and eat extra deviled eggs for me!! Finally a huge thanks to my mother, I love you and can't thank you enough for the things you do for me. I hope to be able to take care of my little girl as much as you take care of yours! Mom sent us a stroller and a bouncy chair for baby girl, I will put up pics as soon as I get the nursery in order. Oh, and I should thank dad too, I'm sure he had something to do with it all! Anyway, I have a lot to say but I have to keep up this 4.0 and make dinner plus I'm struggling with a sinus infection so please be patient and know that I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND I'M EXTREMELY THANKFUL FOR THE WONDERFUL BLESSINGS GOD HAS PROVIDED ME!!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Game for week of 2/19, Guess my waist measurement!

This weeks game is guess what the measurement of my belly is. This is the full waist measurement (god help me, I can't believe I'm putting this on facebook!). So I will measure around the largest part of my belly and back to get this measurement. The closest answer WITHOUT GOING OVER wins this weeks prize! See pic below for current picture of my belly. Game will run until Sunday at midnight. If you are having trouble posting on the blog feel free to email me the guess and I will add it for you to the facebook page and the blog. Prize is still to be determined but I'm sure it's gonna be good!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Our first shower gift arrived!!!

We went to Target last night and upon returning found a large package beside our front door. Here it is our first shower gift and I am super psyched about it. Thank You Kristen for EVERYTHING!!!! It is absolutely awesome and I can't wait to strap her in to bring her home! Along with the car seat she sent a years worth of Baby Talk Magazine where she is the photo editor.. If you don't subscribe you should, cause it's FREE! She also sent a pack of sweet onesies a super awesome bathrobe for the lil one, 2 knit baby rattlers that are super cute and will definitely be a keepsake item, a cd with lullaby's which is sweet as I was just wondering where to get some and some G diapers!!! What an awesome surprise!!! Love you Kristen and I can't wait to send some pics of her riding in her new seat!!!
You can subscribe to Baby Talk here

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lansinoh Double Breast Pump for $49.99 attention super saver moms!

I went to Target today to return a defective product and decided to stroll through the Baby Department. In the clearance section I found the Lansinoh Affinity Double Electric Breast Pump on clearance for 69.99. In your Target coupon booklet you received when you registered is a coupon for $20.00 off this same pump making the pump $49.99. That's down from 139.99 in most Target stores. Look for it your store!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

28 week ultrasound

Went to our 28 week ultrasound on Monday and got to see our sweet valentine. She was sucking on her fist a couple of times and her head is really low in my pelvis which is uncomfortable but she has been there since week 20 so I quit complaining a while ago. Updates are that she is small, in the 35th percentile and mom is dehydrated. I can't seem to get enough fluids out here so I'm working on that and also on getting her growth up. They say her abdomen measurement is smaller than they want it to be so I am really trying to eat highly nutritious foods and nothing with empty calories although I will admit that Papa Bear and I went on a 2 hour excursion today for Krispy Kreme doughnuts! Seriously, it was a mess, that is why I have a GPS device on my registry because he is worse at directions than me!!! GO FIGURE!  If anyone has a hand me down, please consider a donation to the parents to be! Hope everyone had a great V-Day. It was really great having a valentine to share my absurdity for heart shaped doughnuts today and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY MOM AND DAD!!! 54 YEARS!!! It's amazing!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

First Game

First Game!!! Lets see how this goes! Please respond in comments to play!

Tomorrow I will go for another ultrasound to check on baby's growth. I am now 28 weeks! So this week's game question is...

How much do you think she currently weighs and what is her current length?

The answer closest to both correct answers will win a super smell good prize! Submit answers below and I will post her Ultrasound picture tomorrow night! THANKS FOR PLAYING!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Care Packages from Grandma!!

I truly have the best family and I blame it all on MOM!!! Seriously she is thoughtful, caring, a hell of a cook, and always thinks of everyone in this family, even the dog! Papa Bear brought the mail in today and Mika let me know right away there was a package from Grandma Betty in the mix. I had been expecting something from her with my tax documents but I had no idea that she put dog bait in the package! Mika is super happy and she can definitely smell her Grandma on the papers she sent me and if they weren't such important documents I might let her carry them around for a while! THANKS MOM! WE LOVE YOU!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Blank canvas and an ugly vintage chair

This weekend is the start of the transformation to Baby G's room. I've been through it a million times and looked through a million pictures of girl's rooms and only one caught my attention but it's still not "me". So I have some colors picked out, an army of brushes, and a vision in my head.

After looking at rockers, gliders, chairs and ottomans, I found a vintage chair on Craigslist that rocks like a champ, is super comfy, and the price couldn't be beat! Now all I have to do is revamp that baby and she will be ready to rock and roll and Baby G will have a super styling chair to grow into.

So you have the before, now you can look forward to the after! The only thing I have left to find is a super cool dresser that needs some TLC!

Urine Protein Test, oh the humanity!

Yesterday I turned in my 24 hour urine screen for protein. If you are diabetic and pregnant you will do this at least twice in your pregnancy. They give you a fashionable orange urine jug that you pour your urine in from the awesome container that fits in the toilet and stick it in the fridge, yes, that's right, your refrigerator. Do not mistake it for minute maid orange juice no matter how early it is in the morning and how tired you are, it is not juice, it is urine! You will do this for 24 hours and then take it to the lab. When transporting your pretty orange jug expect other people to look at you with sincere jealousy, they secretly want a jug too and more importantly they are dying to know what is in it!! The horror of it all is when you take it to your lab they immediately stir it up and take 3 tiny test tubes of all that urine, that's it, all that other urine just goes to waste! Then they have the gall to poke you in your veins and take 5 beautiful vials of blood from your arm. But don't worry, you usually end up with a spider man or hello kitty band aid, which makes up for all the humiliation you felt having to collect your urine for a day and carrying around a jug that is obviously not gin and juice. Do yourself a favor and stay home during these 24 hours, otherwise you will be feeling really awkward holding a McDonald's cup full of urine in it while you are in the check out lane at Home Depot.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

expectant mom parking!

I can finally use this spot!!! Pic of me at 27 weeks, feeling huge!!

What's really in a name?

So many people are asking what we are naming our little girl. So far we didn't have a name. It's funny how things can quickly change. I wanted something meaningful but classy, feminine but fun, and mostly I wanted DADDY TO LIKE IT!!! I named this blog after our first date (official). We had gone to see Here Comes the Mummies at Iroquois Amphitheater. It was such a fun night and I fell in love with Papa Bear that night and knew I wanted to see him everyday for the rest of my life. I certainly didn't tell him that though. So, when I finally had a name for baby girl I didn't tell Papa Bear and then one night we were driving home and talking about names and he said "what about _____." I was floored! "I love that name" I responded, so pumped that he had subconsciously chosen her name as well. So apparently God or some super great vibration has chosen her name for us and we both heard her name loud and clear, now all we have to do is decide if we are going to keep it a secret or not.

Monday, February 6, 2012

27 weeks, New doc, new info, diabetes can suck it!

Today was my 27 week appointment. I was contacted last week by the midwives and told my case had been reviewed by the head OBGYN at the hospital and they had decided that I would be better off under their care. Diabetes and Pregnancy can be very complicated and they just feel safer with me under their care and honestly I do too. I will be monitored every week and have to do another urine screen which is such a pain in the rear, but it's better to know now if my kidneys are in tip top shape or if I'm leaking proteins.

Many women who are diabetic are just not able to get reliable information during pregnancy. There is a ton of info on gestational diabetes but for someone who is already diabetic and it can't be controlled with diet there really is very limited info. I will arrange to see an endocrinologist tomorrow and they will probably start insulin for my third trimester. I'm finding out that many endo's don't want their patients on metformin the last trimester as it creates a ton of complications for the baby.

Dehydration was an issue today and taking my sugar readings more. So back to 5 times a day pricking my fingers and increasing my water intake to 3 liters a day at least (try it, it's harder than you think).

Other than the doctors office I have low energy today and it's definitely affecting my mood. Getting mad at Papa Bear for insignificant stuff and have no patience with the dog. I did manage to make a homemade lasagna and yeast rolls and some cinnamon rolls for the am. Think I'm gonna hit the pillow and try to get some rest.