Tuesday, March 20, 2012

wise words come from unknown places...

Today was another stress test and I met with Dr. Shiamoko. Anxiety is abound at this stage in pregnancy. I have shared my fears with the doctor in regards to labor and delivery and just birth in general. She is very understanding and listens so well. She reassured me that everything will be fine and it's normal to be scared and if I wasn't she would be concerned then. She also reminded me to not let anyone steal our joy at this time in our life and that true good people would understand we are in a nesting stage and in need of each others time together more now than ever and stress is not needed in our lives as we are preparing for the most important gift anyone could be given.  After all, we won't have this time together soon, we will have a little girl to take care of and she will come first above everything else. This all reminded me of a conversation I had several weeks ago with a man at the salvation army. He said "You will never really know life until you have a child". He's right, as the day comes nearer that she will arrive my feelings on life have taken new perspectives. I can only imagine how much more I will know watching her grow. Small things will no longer seem small, patience will no longer be a word,  and going to the bathroom alone will be rare. It is at this time in my life that I realize God takes off the goggles for you, he prepares you for the hard road of labor ahead. There really is no fear in birth, it's only the unknown that makes us uneasy and uncomfortable. But, like the kind man said "you really never know life until you have a child" the unknowing of labor is just another phase in this journey we call life.

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