Sunday, February 12, 2012

First Game

First Game!!! Lets see how this goes! Please respond in comments to play!

Tomorrow I will go for another ultrasound to check on baby's growth. I am now 28 weeks! So this week's game question is...

How much do you think she currently weighs and what is her current length?

The answer closest to both correct answers will win a super smell good prize! Submit answers below and I will post her Ultrasound picture tomorrow night! THANKS FOR PLAYING!!!


  1. PS. The game will run until next Sunday at midnight.

  2. Grandma Betty's guess is 3.60 lbs. and is 13 inches long, for some reason she can't post on the blog.

  3. Tori was the winner this week! The official answer is 2 pounds 11 ounces and 14 inches. Congrats Tori, look for your prize via snail mail!
